

I opened my Sept-Oct issue of Somerset studio magazine last night to see my art in print....sooo exciting.
This is a piece I made while I use taking Misty Mawn's e-course a few month ago.
The article is about Misty's course.
I feel honored that they picked my art to be include in the article.
Here is the painting.
thank you for letting me share this with you.


Kelly said...

Congratulations Diane. I am so happy for you and your art looks amazing!
Hugs and blessings.

Christianne Teixeira said...

Diane, congratulations!!! It is a beautiful paiting. Hugs

Melanie Statnick said...

First off CONGRATS!! I'm working towards this goal myself..You are teasing me dearly with this peak..I never miss a mag, and I'm waiting to get my copy next month. Your work is an inspiration. Thanks for that!

Cameron said...

This is absolutely exciting news!

Though, I'm a bit concerned for you that perhaps you're not getting all the exposure you're entitled to.....I'm looking at the Autumn Edition of GreenCraft...and a few pages in where they advertise upcoming issues of other Publications, your painting is used with the byline stating "Artwork by Misty Mawn"

Have you heard this already?

This piece is just gorgeous! I love the way you paint faces!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Di. How exciting. Well done. =D

Unknown said...

Cameron I had not heard this yet. I don't get that magazine so I may have to see if my book store carrys it.thank you for letting me know, although I'm not sure if I can do anything about it. Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments & support :).

Deborah Everton said...

Congratulations!!! Such a beautiful painting! I can't wait to get my hands on the magazine :-)