
hearts desire

hi everyone, with valentine's day right around the corner
i decided to paint a series of heart paintings

knowing only the very young have hearts that are perfect
i decide to paint hearts with marks on them
to show the scars we all have felt at times
but that our hearts are still beautiful & full of love....
they are available here

i've had a little break through....i decided not to worry so much about
what my style is & what i should be focusing on
illustrations? painting? mixed media?...
it can be very debilitating
i tend to to think about it sooo much i end up not doing anything
i decided to just go with what feels right at the moment
i think the only way to find your style
is to create & create & create & your style will show
how did you find your style?
how did you know this is it!!
or are you like me & always second guessing yourself?
maybe all artist feel this way at some point
but for now i plan on creating what ever my muse is for the moment
not worry so much what everyone else thinks
easier said then done i know
sneak peak at what is on my easel now
 it's not finished yet 
so far i like it
i want to thank everyone for commenting here it means a lot to me
don't forget to leave a comment on my this post for a chance to win a ACEO card

have a wonderful weekend!!


Artful pinings

i'm so hooked on pinterest
it's pure eye candy like no other
amazing way to save inspirational & creative ideas
i tried to paste some of my boards here but i couldn't figure out how to..
oh well
are you on pinterest?
no your not? well check it out but beware you will be there a while it's very addicting...
if you are on pinterest check out my boards & follow me if you like what you see

i just listed some new art magnets

available here